
KA171 Projects 2024

Erasmus + mobility between PROGRAMME and PARTNER COUNTRIES give students the opportunity to carry out their academic education and offer staff the possibility to work as teachers or visit institutions from/to countries not belonging to the Erasmus+ programme (These are the 27 EU countries + Island, Liechtenstein, Norway, Macedonia and Turkey). Partner countries are the rest of the countries in the world. 

At EASD Castelló we understand the importante of expanding frontiers with different cultures in the field of Design. For this reason, since 2016 we have been organizing conferences which go beyong the European borders thanks to KA107 projects, nowadays KA171. We currently have one important project going on: 

The 2024-1-ES01-KA171-HED-000235077 with Bosnia-Herzegovine, Georgia, Ukrania,  Colombia, Argentina and China (Univerzitet Džemal Bijedić, Mostar; Univerzitet u Sarajevo, Sarajevo; International Burch University, Sarajevo and Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, Tbilisi, National academy of fine arts and architecture, Kyiv, Universidad del Gran Rosario,  Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, and Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu). 

In this sense, EASD Castelló participates actively in the programme, applying for funding for outgoing and incoming mobilities from/to these partner countries. 

This education exchange is of great interest for being so enriching both for teachers and students. 

Morevoer, we believe that these exchanges foment cross-cut themes in education such as equality, integration in other cultures and religios, etc, all of which which are related to the role of design in our contemporary society. 

The mobility activities offered allow us to deepen and to expand within this collaboration and they help students and teachers to gain knowledge and practical experience. Putting together a network of international relations creates unique oportunities in learning and research by: 

– Promoting opportunities for intercultural exchanges, understanding and dialogues, in order to share cultural experiences. 

– Establising long-lasting relationships both for individuals and institutions, as the starting point for future projects and adventures. 

– Fomenting the development of projects of mutual benefit and common interest. 

KA171 Projects 2023

Erasmus + mobility between PROGRAMME and PARTNER COUNTRIES give students the opportunity to carry out their academic education and offer staff the possibility to work as teachers or visit institutions from/to countries not belonging to the Erasmus+ programme (These are the 27 EU countries + Island, Liechtenstein, Norway, Macedonia and Turkey). Partner countries are the rest of the countries in the world. 

We currently have one important project going on: 

The 2023-1-ES01-KA171-HED-000143978 with Azerbaijan, Armenia and Colombia (Western Caspian University, Baku, Khazar University, Baku, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA), Yerevan, State Academy of Fine Arts of Armenia, Yerevan and Universidad Nacional de Colombia,  Bogotá).

In this sense, EASD Castelló participates actively in the programme, applying for funding for outgoing and incoming mobilities from/to these partner countries. 

This education exchange is of great interest for being so enriching both for teachers and students. 

Moreover, we believe that these exchanges foment cross-cut themes in education such as equality, integration in other cultures and religios, etc, all of which which are related to the role of design in our contemporary society.

KA171 Projects 2022

Erasmus + mobility between PROGRAMME and PARTNER COUNTRIES give students the opportunity to carry out their academic education and offer staff the possibility to work as teachers or visit institutions from/to countries not belonging to the Erasmus+ programme (These are the 27 EU countries + Island, Liechtenstein, Norway, Macedonia and Turkey). Partner countries are the rest of the countries in the world. 

At EASD Castelló we understand the importante of expanding frontiers with different cultures in the field of Design. For this reason, since 2016 we have been organizing conferences which go beyong the European borders thanks to KA107 projects, nowadays KA171. We currently have one important project going on: 

The 2022-1-ES01-KA101-HED-000079728 with Bosnia-Herzegovine and Georgia (Univerzitet Džemal Bijedić, Mostar; Univerzitet u Sarajevo, Sarajevo; International Burch University, Sarajevo and Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, Tbilisi). 

In this sense, EASD Castelló participates actively in the programme, applying for funding for outgoing and incoming mobilities from/to these partner countries. 

This education exchange is of great interest for being so enriching both for teachers and students. 

Moreover, we believe that these exchanges foment cross-cut themes in education such as equality, integration in other cultures and religios, etc, all of which which are related to the role of design in our contemporary society. 

The mobility activities offered allow us to deepen and to expand within this collaboration and they help students and teachers to gain knowledge and practical experience. Putting together a network of international relations creates unique oportunities in learning and research by: 

– Promoting opportunities for intercultural exchanges, understanding and dialogues, in order to share cultural experiences. 

– Establising long-lasting relationships both for individuals and institutions, as the starting point for future projects and adventures. 

– Fomenting the development of projects of mutual benefit and common interest. 

Staff Mobility at Western Caspian University  

Our colleagues Mirenchu Sardina and Inma Alegre have carried out a Staff Mobility at the Western Caspian University of Baku, Azerbaijan, within the Erasmus+ Project KA107 2020-1-ES01-KA107-079951. 

During their stay they have given a Master class on new trends on interior design on our area and held a Workshop on some aspects of interior and computer design.

Content of the teaching programme:

Workshop “City of Feelings”, dealing with interaction with space, colour, light , textures and materials in order to communicate different feelings

Talk about what is on trend right now in interior design in Spain, what´s new. Common features with Azerbaijan, distinguishing cultural values.

Study of different aspects of lighting, how it evokes and influences on our states of mind. Dealing with computer programmes in order to “play” with this.t

Projects KA107

Erasmus+ KA107 give students the opportunity to carry out their academical education and offers staff the possibility to work as professors or to study at higher degree education institutes, outside of Europe and vice versa.

In EASD Castelló we understand the importance of expanding the frontiers with other different cultures in the field of Design. For this reason, since 2016 we have decided to set up conferences, which go beyond the European level thanks to projects KA107. Currently, we have two projects activated:

  • The project KA107 2019-1-ES01-KA107-061245 with Bosnia-Herzegovina and Georgia (Univerzitet «Džemal Bijedić» Mostar, Mostar, Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Sarajevo, International Burch University, Sarajevo and Tbilisi State Academy of Art, Tbilisi).
  • The project KA107 2020-1-ES01-KA107-079951 with Azerbaijan and Armenia (Western Caspian University, Baku, Khazar University, Baku, National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA), Yerevan and State Academy of Fine Arts of Armenia, Yerevan).

This educational interchange sparks great interest, for being enriching for both professors and students of both institutions.
Moreover, we believe that these interchanges foment cross-cut themes in education, such as equality, integration in other cultures, religions… which are related to the social role of Design in society.

The offered mobility activities allow us to deepen and to expand this collaboration, and they help students and professors to gain knowledge and practical experience. Putting together a network of international relations allows the push of mobility of professors and students, and it offers unique opportunities for education and research:

  • Create opportunities for intercultural understanding and dialogue, in order to share cultural experiences.
  • Establish long-lasting relationship for individuals and institutions, as the starting point for future projects and ventures.
  • Foment the development of projects for benefit and common interest.

Cumulus: International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media

The school has been for many years a part of Cumulus, the International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media.

We invite you to enter their web site in order to be kept updated on the projects, announcements, etc. which are taking place.

Come and join Cumulus!!!

La escuela desde hace años es miembro de Cumulus, la Asociación Internacional de Universidades, Escuelas de Arte y Diseño.

Os invitamos a entrar a su web para manteneros informados sobre los proyectos, convocatorias, etc. que se realizan.

¡¡¡Anímate a participar en Cumulus!!!