During the 24th Design Week of the EASD Castelló, we have received students and teachers from the Academia di Belle Arti di Catania and the Instituto Superior Miguel Torga of Coimbra to carry out a combined intensive project (BIP) Erasmus+ within the studies of the Master’s degree in Engraving and silk-screen printing.
The Unequal City: a critical approach to reflection and intervention in the city.
The philosopher Martin Heidegger, in his essay «Building, Dwelling, Thinking,» analyzes the meaning of «dwelling» as the use of cities to meet our material and emotional needs. This expanded understanding of housing can be fundamental in rethinking how we plan and organize our cities and urban spaces, not only in terms of functionality but also in promoting human well-being and fulfillment. The right to the city is a collective right for all inhabitants to occupy and enjoy public spaces, regardless of their social, economic, or cultural status. This right means that all citizens have the right to participate in the reinvention of cities to make them more humane, more functional, and better adapted to the needs and aspirations of their inhabitants.
In this context, it is necessary to view the city in a broader sense, as a dynamic organism in constant evolution, and this means rethinking: What does it mean to dwell? How can we build a relationship between people and the space in which they live? How can we build more equitable, inclusive, and sustainable cities?
The project has explored the different layers that make up the city, considering various perspectives and dimensions. In other words, not only the practical functionality of the city but also the everyday experiences, emotional, and spiritual relationships. Through this exploration and using photography, drawing, silkscreen printing, and engraving, the students analyzed and reflected on a variety of issues affecting cities today.